

The children have escaped the ghost in the ruins and end in a tower from where they can see the way home. But in the wood they are chased again by two ghosts, but a huge dwarf leads them out of the wood. A player rolls the die and moves, if the pawn meets the dwarf it is magnetically attached and moves with the dwarf, if a ghost is rolled the player becomes the ghost and has to stop. The tree trunk can only be crossed in a single line, the dwarf alone cannot be moved, if a pawn together with the dwarf reaches the finish line, the owner of the pawn has won.


Dice game on magnetic and memory effects * 2-6 players from age 5 * Designer: Michelle Schanen * ca. 20 minutes * 601/1-906, 40817-6, Drei Magier, Germany, 2005 * Distributor: Schmidt Spiele *** Drei Magier Spiele *