Die guten und die bösen Geister


Each player has 8 ghosts, four good and four evil ones, each player only knows his ghosts and not those of his opponent. One has three possibilities to win the game: one either catches the four good ghosts of the opponent, one manages to let the other player capture one’s own evil ghosts or one moves one of one’s own good ghosts out of the board over one of the corner spots. The board is 6x6 squares, the ghosts move one square horizontal ore vertical, but not diagonal, if one moves a piece onto a square with an opponent’s piece, that piece is captured. One need not capture! New edition, former editions at Bütehorn, Schmidt and noris.


Bluff- and position game * 2 players from age 10 * Author: Alex Randolph * ca. 20 min * 610/1-106, Drei Magier, Deutschland, 2001 *** DREI MAGIER SPIELE GMBH * Mühlenstraße 10 * D-91486 Uehlfeld * Fon +49-9163-99990 * Fax +49-9163-99995 * www.dreimagier.de * verlag@dreimagierspiele.de