The Darned Magic Potion
Toad‘S leg and Spidergoo, we need two!
The little magician’s apprentices are again brewing potions, but this time they need not take the ingredients to the cauldrons, but must find the ingredients directly in the cauldrons.
Each player has two fireplaces, firestones and 4 cauldron parts in his color and places his marker at the start on the board. The recipe book is opened, it shows the necessary ingredients. Players assemble their cauldrons so that – with our without using the mirrors – the exact number of ingredients is visible: You turn the fireplace and look into the cauldron; whenever you can see one or more ingredients you mark the border of the fireplace with a firestone. When you are done, you call out “The magic is over! “ and the others check your markings if you found all the correct ingredients. If you are right, you move your marker two steps, if not, your marker stays in place and all others move 1 spot. Then all dismantle their cauldrons and a new leaf in the recipe book is turned up. When a player reaches the mouse spot, the mouse assistant helps the rearmost player always with mushrooms, he need not look for them in the cauldron. When apprentices appear in the recipe book you may advance your marker 2 steps for each of your own apprentices. When all recipes have brewed, you win if you are in front, otherwise the player reaching the finish first.
The Darned Magic Potion brings you a magic game with fantastic components in a world of magicians, gnomes and vampires, and gives you a rather hard task – you need concentration and imagination to assemble the cauldrons for the desired result! Practice will make you Master Magician!
Players: 2-4
Age: 5+
Designer: Gebrüder Frei
Artist: Rolf Vogt
Price: ca. 26 Euro
Publisher: Drei Magier / Schmidt 2011
Genre: A game of logic and position
Users: For children
Rules: de en fr it nl
In-game text: no
Fantastic interplay of background story, components and mechanism * needs concentration and spatial thinking * good family game, too
Compares to:
Burg der 1000 Spiegel and others for use of mirrors, doubling images by mirrors is a new detail
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance: 1
Tactic: 0
Strategy: 0
Creativity: 0
Knowledge: 3
Memory: 0
Communication: 0
Interaction: 0
Dexterity: 2
Action: 3