Lucca Cittą


Players use cards to build towers, city walls and palaces, finished palaces can be opened. In his turn a player can open finished palaces and must take a set of cards and play it. Opened palaces bring victory points depending on the number of unfinished palaces of other players in the same colour. The player determines the sequence of the cards played, tower cards are placed next to finished palaces, palace cards allow to start a new on, to enlarge an unfinished one or to finish a palace. One can turn over a card and place it as a city wall next to the finished palaces, or can discard a card. If there are not enough cards for a round, a final scoring scores opened palaces, checks the number of shields for city walls and victory points for supported city walls and all towers, the player with the highest score wins.


Card placement and building game * 3-5 players from age 8 * Designer: Alessandro Zucchini * Graphics: Valerio Luongo * DVG9801 / 8056, daVinci, Italy, 2005 *** dV Games * * Distributor Abacusspiele