Kakuro Challenge


Kakuro is a sequel to Sudoku, played on a 9x9 grid, the numbers on the twosided tiles are used differently. Numbers on yellow are part of the sum, numbers on red are the last digit of any sum, 4 for 4, 14, 23, 34 and so on. Each player places a tile and can turn over an already placed tile, then he draws a tile from the pile. Tiles are placed adjacent to already placed tiles, a Kakuro is formed when next to a red number vertically or horizontally 2 or more yellow, not identically tiles form a sum that fits with the red number. This sum is scored. One may turn over a tile when the newly placed and turned over tile at the end of a move belong to the same Kakuro. At the end the player with the highest score wins.

Corrected edition with correct number of tiles.


Placement game with numbers * 2-4 players from age 7 * Designers: Leo Colovini, Dario de Toffoli, DarioZaccariotto * ca. 45 min * 12904, Clementoni, Germany, 2006 *** Clementoni Deutschland GmbH * www.clementoni.de