Alchimist" is based upon the Ravensburger Game "In 80 Tagen um die
Welt", players move along the spots the board to reach the goal of 50 or
more alchimist points, the wisdom stone determines the color of a card played,
a move onto a normal field ends there, on brown spots one throws the letter
dice and finds as many words as possible, 2 points for every word for the
player on the spots, 1 for other players, on a "question spot" one
tries to find as many cards as possible in the pack which relate to ones own
card. The game ends, when two pawns have reached the "spot of
enlightment" or cross the 50-point-mark, then each player receives the
point value of the spot reached + 10 for each card. A solid family game based
on the movement+event-mechanism.
game with events * 2-6 players from 12 years up * Autor: Wolfgang Kramer * ca.
60 min *
Based on "In 80
Tagen um die Welt", Ravensburger *** Clementoni Deutschland GmbH * Balger
Hauptstraße 8 * D-76532 Baden-Baden * Fon: +49-7221-9549-0 * Fax: