und die Monster
is alone at home and the monsters wake up, players must save Julchen or eat her. Cards must be held sorted according to
the rules, in a turn one can draw a card from the stack or a fellow player or
start a feeding attack by laying out 2 monsters with identical value and
choosing a fellow player, who can lay out a weapon. Who does not defend himself
has a card drawn from his hand, if Julchen
is drawn the player has won. If thee are no more
cards, the player holding Julchen wins, if he fulfils
the card limit. When the last card is drawn from the table, the player holding Julchen wins.
Card game* 2-5 players from age 8 * Designer:
Marcel-André Casasola Merkle * Graphics: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle 001, Casasola, Germany,
2006 *** Casasola * www.casasola.de/spiele