Teekessel im Quadrat
A „teapot“ is either exactly that or the name for a word that has more than one meaning, for instance „head“ can be a body part or the top man in a state. A teapot word in this game is a word that is composed of two nouns, one of them must be a teapot, e.g. headhunter. The pictures in the game must be used to form such words, you need to combine two pictures, for instance courtyard where the teapot would be “yard” as it is a name for a measurement unit and a location. Several variants are offered, also for a game of two and an easy version for children.
A game of words and associations * 2-6 players, ages 8 and up * Designers: Otmar Bettscheider and Karin Herrmann * Biwo, Deutschland, 2010 *** BiWo Spiele * www.biwo-spiele.de