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The board is combined by choice of the players, 2-6 flags are placed for checkpoints. Players move their robots with 5 out of 9 cards, then all cards are shuffled and 9 are dealt again to all players. Robots are influenced by one’s one cards and opponent’s cards, hits are damage points and loose the player one card per hit, damage can be repaired. If a robot moves over checkpoints or repair squares, it leaves a safety copy, if a robot is destroyed is returns there for the price of a live point. When all live point, the player is out of the game. If a player reaches the last checkpoint, he has won the game.


Motion game with interaction * 2-8 players from age 12 * Designer: Richard Garfield and Paul Sottosanti * Graphics: Peter Bergting, Bob Carasca * ca. 90 min * 15854, Avalon Hill, USA, 2005 *** Avalon Hill Games Inc.


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