
GET YOUR HAUL before the police arrives!




Friends         ein    






Members of different mafias haul in their loot, but in the end justice prevails. Gangsta is a trick-taking card game. Tricks are placed in a 5 x 5 grid defined by so called Zone Cards showing letters and numbers. Four mafias are divided into gangsters giving orders (strong cards) and gangsters following orders (weak cards). Players are dealt 10 or 12 cards, turning over the top card of the remaining draw pile determines the trump gang of the round. The starting player leads with a card, the others must play the same gang if possible, and can play a card of the same or of different power, but also 2 cards of equal power. If one cannot follow suit, one can play another mafia or trump mafia. The highest card of the leading mafia or the trump mafia wins the trick. The trick is laid out in the grid card by card and scored! So pay attention to the sequence of laying out the cards. A pair scores 1 point, 2 pairs are worth 3 points, a trio scores 5 points, a quartet 4 points and a quintet 10 points.

When a row or column is completely filled the police arrives. The top card from the police ambush deck is turned up and all gangster cards marked on the police card are taken out of the grid. When all players are out of card the player with the highest score wins.

Basically one could say, nothing new, but Gangsta is a fun little card game with nice details. These details comprise the police ambush deck, the scoring of the tricks in the grid and a special rule in case you run out of cards because he played two cards in a trick. Another well-made game from the Chilean company!


Spieler         : 3-6

Alter            : ages 12 and up

Dauer           : ca. 30 min


Autor           : Juan José Fernandez

Grafik          : Ignacio del Real

Vertrieb A.   : Publisher

Preis            : on request

Verlag          : Aldebaran Games 2010



Genre                    : Trick taking card game, scoring grid

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : take and score tricks


Zufall                     : 3

Wissen                  :

Planung                 : 6

Kreativität              :

Kommunikation      : 7

Geschicklichkeit      :

Action                   :



Standard topic

Unusual scoring system

English Rules only



Other trick-taking card games, scoring system new